Short Courses

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Engineering and Manufacturing Techniques

Certificate in Lean Organisation Management Techniques

A lean organisation provides the greatest customer value with the fewest resources, a philosophy increasingly important in today’s competitive business market. A sound understanding of the concept and benefits of a lean environment, as well as knowledge of business techniques and working in teams, is essential. Our nationally recognised qualification is designed to provide individuals with an appreciation and understanding of some key principles of lean organisation management.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems

Mental health presents one of the greatest challenges to our society. With an estimated 450 million people worldwide suffering from a mental health problem, around a quarter of British adults will experience some form of mental health problem within the course of a year. While many elements of mental health are still not understood, having a good knowledge of the information that is available is essential in the care sector.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Common Health Conditions

Every hour, someone in the UK is told they have Parkinson’s disease, there are approximately 152,000 strokes in the UK every year (more than one every five minutes), and one in six of the UK population have some form of hearing loss. These health conditions, along with others such as arthritis and dementia, affect a substantial proportion of the population. A good understanding of common health conditions is essential in any care environment.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills

Many people find it helpful to seek the support of counselling at some point in their lives. People in any situation could benefit from counselling, those with the correct understanding, knowledge and skills can provide them with support to improve personal well-being.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Customer Service for Health and Social Care Settings

Our new qualification enhances Customer Service in Healthcare, which will support you when you are dealing with residents, families, patients and internal and external customers within the Health and Social Care environment.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Falls Prevention Awareness

Falls represent the most frequent and serious type of accident in people aged 65 and over, with 10,000 falls happening each day. Falls often have both a physical and mental impact, as they can result in lack of confidence, isolation, fractures and broken bones. This course is ideal for anyone working in health and social care and those who have contact with older people who are more susceptible to falls.

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Education and Training

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Information, Advice or Guidance

Offering clear and accurate information, advice or guidance and knowing what can be shared legally and professionally can greatly improve outcomes for a business. There are some fundamental rules for successful information sharing and ensuring staff are aware of these is key.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care

The need for adult social care continues to rise at a time when the system supporting that care is rapidly and significantly changing. With around 1.5 million people working in adult social care in England, care workers need up-to-date support and guidance in order to provide adequate person-centred care.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Care Planning

Care workers play a key role in ensuring their residents/patients are treated with a friendly and caring approach. Care workers have the ability to relate to people from a variety of backgrounds. After an investigation from the Care Quality Commission revealed that 424 out of 1,357 services in England are rated ‘inadequate’, the need for high quality trained care workers has never been greater.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Dementia Care

Dementia affects around 820,000 people in the UK. This figure is likely to rise to one million by 2025 and two million by 2051. It is one of the main causes of disability in later life and with research being desperately underfunded, it costs the UK over £26 billion a year. Understanding dementia and the person-centred care that is required is fundamental to high quality care.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of End of Life Care

By 2040, the number of people aged over 64 in Britain is expected to grow from 9.5 million to 15 million. The population is aging, meaning more people will live with serious chronic illness and need end of life care. The problems faced and support needed by people nearing the end of life is wide-ranging and a good understanding of pain management, support and quality of life is essential for all carers.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of the Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Care Settings

About 300,000 patients develop an infection in England each year while being treated by the NHS. Protecting people from infection is an essential element of providing high quality care, especially considering the capacity some potentially life-threatening infections have to spread within care environments.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Behaviour That Challenges

Challenging behaviour is causing increasing concern today as many individuals have increasing levels of stress and uncertainty in their lives. This behaviour can be due to factors such as anxiety, neglect, abuse, learning disabilities and conditions like dementia. Understanding the causes of challenging behaviour is the first step towards finding ways to support individuals and manage their behaviour.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Health and Social Care

A total of 103,900 safeguarding reports about vulnerable adults were referred in 2014/2015. The responsibilities of care workers involved in protecting the health, well-being and human rights of individuals are far-reaching. Allowing individuals to live free from harm, abuse and neglect can often mean involving health agencies, government departments or the police. Understanding the fundamentals of safeguarding is essential for anyone working in adult health and social care.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Nutrition and Health

The number of obese people in the UK has more than trebled in the last 25 years, reaching what many doctors believe to be ‘epidemic’ proportions. Insufficient nutrition can lead to a variety of health-threatening conditions; understanding the benefits of a balanced diet and the role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease is fundamental.

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Education and Training

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent

Official data showed that over 7,500 people were referred to the Prevent programme in 2015/16. The purpose of this qualification is to support anyone who is responsible for the safeguarding of people and for helping prevent radicalisation. It gives learners an understanding of recognising the signs of abuse, how to reduce the risk of radicalisation and the potential consequences of illegal online activity.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Care and Management of Diabetes

There is an emerging global epidemic of diabetes. In the UK alone, 3.2 million people are diagnosed with the disease and an estimated 630,000 people have the condition but don’t know it. It is believed that deaths from diabetes will rise by more than 50% in the next ten years. Simple lifestyle measures can be effective in preventing or delaying the onset of this chronic, debilitating and often deadly disease.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care

Modern medicines are powerful substances which have beneficial effects for millions of people worldwide. However, inappropriate use or handling of these substances can have severe consequences, including death. Having good up-to-date knowledge of the safe handling of medicines is essential for anyone working with medication.

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Health, Public Services and Care

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Cleaning Principles

With a UK industry turnover estimated at £4.7 billion in 2011, cleaning is one of the largest business sectors in the UK. It underpins many aspects of life today and is essential for the prevention of disease and spread of infection. People actively seek out clean, safe and comfortable environments, so having a highly skilled cleaning workforce is essential.

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Preparation for Life and Work

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity

Britain is a culturally diverse nation that respects and values the differences in people. Companies are legally required to follow a set of practices to ensure discrimination is eradicated and expectations of equality are met. A good understanding of the wide-ranging legislation is essential in creating a workplace that is centred on fairness, dignity and respect.

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Business, Administration and Law

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Business Administration

There were an estimated 5.5 million private sector businesses in the UK at the start of 2016. Despite the recent economic difficulties, the trend has been steadily increasing in the business population. Today’s global economy brings with it a wealth of new markets, shrinking profit margins and increasing operating expenses; the need for good business administration has never been greater.

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Business, Administration and Law

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Customer Service

In order to have a truly successful business, you need to provide good customer service. It is believed that 96% of unhappy customers don’t ever complain; however, 91% of those simply leave and never come back. The main reason for customer churn is not price but bad customer service. Handling a business’s issues in a professional and courteous manner is an essential day-to-day task.

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Business, Administration and Law

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Team Leading

Strong team leadership is essential for providing guidance, direction and instruction within a group and inevitably leads to more effective teamwork and more motivated employees. Being able to manage a team effectively is critical in the current job market, where employee productivity and team outcomes are closely monitored.

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Retail and Commercial Enterprises

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Warehousing and Storage

The warehousing and storage of goods is an essential part of logistics operations within a business. Roles within this industry require great skill and organisation to coordinate the demand and supply of goods and ultimately meet customer needs.

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Retail and Commercial Enterprises

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Retail Operations

The retail industry is subject to a number of pressures. These include changes in shopping habits and the recent economic downturn which reduced consumer spending. However, as consumer confidence begins to grow, it is important that retail support staff are fully trained and equipped to represent your business and to meet the needs of your customers. As removing staff from the ‘shop floor’ applies pressure to rotas, this training can be carried out in the learner’s own time via our tried and tested flexible learning approach.